Farmers’ eye in the sky

Vultus takes hi-tech research and satellite data down to earth, offering farmers large fertilizer savings and better yields through precision farming. All based on facts and solid analysis, all understandable and ready to put into practice.

  • Forage Grasses

    Forage grasses are an important part of the global food system, as they provide a significant portion of the feed for livestock that produce meat, milk, and other animal-derived products. Our solution helps growers understand the quality of their grass and lessen the need for external feed supplements.

  • Potatoes

    Starch is a widely used ingredient in many different industries, including food processing, paper manufacturing, textiles, and the production of bioplastics and biofuels. The global starch market is growing, with demand driven by a number of factors. Our solution can predict yields and starch content at an early stage, helping growers to better manage their production.

  • Sugarcane

    Besides being a sweetener, sugarcane is also used to produce ethanol, which is a type of biofuel. It is an important crop for many countries, particularly those in the tropics and subtropics, as it is a major source of employment and export revenue. Our sugarcane analytics help growers achieve better yields while limiting the carbon footprint of their agricultural practices.

We provide a digital platform that uses and analyzes satellite data to help growers estimate the right amount of fertilizer for crop nutrition, track the plant’s need for watering, and carry out plant health monitoring. Available and easily accessible at all times.

Unique precision farming services