Sell and get paid for your crop long before harvest.
Fertilize where and when needed.
Irrigate where and when needed.
Get an instant overview of intra-field differences.
Get the historical view of actions like digging ditches, soil improvement and crop rotation.
Starch Content
Our Starch Content analysis provides farmers with accurate estimates of starch levels in their potato crops.
By analyzing this data, farmers can optimize their harvest and achieve better yields.
With Vultus, farmers can make informed decisions about their potato crops and achieve maximum profits.
Yield Prediction
Our Yield Prediction analysis provides farmers with accurate estimates of their crop yields.
By analyzing data on soil fertility, weather patterns, and other factors, we provide farmers with valuable insights into their crops.
With Vultus, farmers can make informed decisions about fertilization practices, crop rotation, and more, and achieve maximum productivity and profits.
Plant Health
Our Plant Health monitoring system helps farmers detect anomalies and variabilities in their crops weeks in advance of visual detection.
Maps that allow farmers to monitor crop-specific health indicators
Our measurements are crop-specific, and combine both multispectral and microwave remote sensing, which means we can get data even in cloudy conditions
This allows farmers to take action early and prevent crop loss.
Water Stress
Our Water Stress analysis helps farmers determine the optimal time to water their crops.
With better information about water needs, growers can direct their irrigation equipment and understand a key crop stressor that impacts yields
By analyzing real-time data on soil moisture, temperature, and other factors, we provide farmers with recommendations that help them save water and achieve better yields.
Soil Moisture
Soil moisture analysis provides clear maps of farmers’ fields that indicate soil moisture status, using an intuitive scale of red (dry) to blue (saturated with water).
With access to these maps (minimum x1 per week), farmers can detect and deal with irrigation-threatening issues early, before the yield is impacted.
Cheaper and more time-efficient than on-the-ground field surveys.
Our Fertilization maps help farmers determine the optimal amount of fertilizer for their crops.
By analyzing soil and crop data, we provide farmers with recommendations that help them save costs and achieve higher yields.
With Vultus, farmers can optimize their fertilization practices and increase profits.
Soil Organic Carbon
Soil Organic Carbon analysis provides farmers with valuable insights into the health of their soil.
By analyzing this data, farmers can make informed decisions about fertilization practices, crop rotation, and more.